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WKode Apps that have an option to create user accounts to download content do not share any of your provided information with any other company or organization. Only a valid email address, a screen name, and password are required for creating user accounts. WKode Apps may occasionally send emails to notify users of important or relevant updates or products.

Most common/relevant questions/answers gathered from the website are organized by categories below.

  • Non App Related
  • MIDI Fretboard Related
  • Chinese Guqin Related
  • Music Arrangement Related

Non App Related
1. How to fix the “NO Sound” issue.

2. iOS 5.0 Changes and Issues Affecting iPad users – Explanations & Solutions
Issue #1: Multi-touch gestures let users switch between apps quickly but this may interfere with most music apps.

    Turn off Multi-touch gestures in the iPad’s setup page.

#2 issue: No sound with music apps. There are 2 locks on the iPad, the volume lock and the screen rotation lock. iOS 5.0 sets the hardware switch next to the volume buttons as the screen rotation lock. The volume lock is then controlled by a hidden button.

    Double tap the home button and slide the task bar to the left to reveal the software volume lock.

3. Will your music apps ever make it to Android OS?

    When Android OS’s multi-touch capability improves drastically, I may port some apps over.

MIDI Fretboard Related
1. Will you make an iPad version of MIDI Fretboard – Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Banjo, Shamisen, Sanshin, Pipa Controller?

    Yes, it is now in development. It will be an iPad-only app with many more features/controls on screen plus more frets and a larger strum/pluck area.

2. Will your apps work on jail-broken iPhone? MIDI Fretboard LE couldn’t open.

    There is no guarantee for jail-broken devices. Apple test all apps on their devices before releasing them.

3. How do I enter tap-on mode so I don’t have to strum/pluck?

    Enter setup page and slide the hammer-on time limit bar all the way to the right.

Chinese Guqin Related
1. I cannot open the Chinese Guqin app.

    The Chinese Guqin App was tested by Apple before it was released for sales. So it should work on all devices. I recommend deleting the app and re-downloading it because some apps crash after updating it from a previous version. You can also try rebooting your device by holding down the home button and the power button for 10 seconds.

2. How do you shut off the music in set-up mode? If i’m playing this live and want to change scales, I don’t want to hear music while i’m changing scales.

    The latest update let you turn on/off the setup page music by tapping the speaker icon at the upper left corner.

3. You seem to play “Chinese ghost story” with one octave higher than standard tuning. How do I change the octave.

    At the time the demo video of Chinese Ghost Story was made, it was possible to switch between low and high octave, which is not realistically possible on a real guqin. However, I’m thinking about adding the option to apply a capo on the soundboard. So if you apply it on the 7th dot, you will be one octave up.

Music Arrangement Related
1. Do you have tabs for ——- ?

    If it’s not listed on my Music Arrangement page, then NO, I have not tabbed it.

2. How do I donate for a guitar arrangement?

    When donating via paypal, specify which arrangement you’d like. I will email it to you once the donation transaction is completed.